Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye

HARLEY officially released in the U.S. and Canada

HARLEY is officially out in the United States and Canada! You can find the film on all major VOD platforms such as Apple TV, Amazon Prime, Google Play, Youtube, Microsoft Xbox, Vimeo, VUDU.

What a journey it has been. It started with the belief that we had a story with heart and a massive amount of risk-taking. This project was driven with the willingness of one man, Harley Breite, to embark on a quest to conquer his own insecurities in the search for unrequited love.

When I started working on this documentary film, I immediately thought of Don Quixote, one of my favorite books. We tend to see Don Quixote as a delusional knight tilting at windmills in his quest for Dulcinea, an imaginary woman. But for me, Don Quixote was truly alive as long as he was on a quest and he died when he gave up.

I identify with him, because I have always been on a quest. So I was lucky to join Harley Breite, a criminal defense attorney in New Jersey, on his own to prove himself and hold in his arms the woman of his dreams. We were no alone on this journey as many artists helped us make HARLEY: Lila Place, the editor; Nick Strini, the director of photography, Max Avery Lichtenstein, the composer who captured the complexities of Harley in his soundtrack; Maia Carolina, the editor of trailer; German Nocella and Daff Schneydher, who graded the film; Federico Moreira, who made it sound good, @Guille Lawlor, who created all the Rocky-inspired tiles and designed the poster with the powerful portrait of Harley after his brutal MMA fight taken by Fábio Erdos.

When we thought we had made our dreams come true with a selection to the Tribeca Film Institute Festival in 2020, Covid-19 hit. The festival was cancelled and our distribution strategy crumbled. It was nearly a knockout punch for a small production like ours, but we got back up with the help of Lowell Shapiro and Mike Dill at Black Box Management who breathed new life into the project and opened up new horizons for HARLEY with Matt Shanfield, James Guido and others at IPC. And then came Gravitas Ventures brought on board by the film's agent Andrew Herwitz.

We are here today thanks to all of them and to many more. When we wrapped up the production, Harley, the protagonist of the film, gave me an old copy of Don Quixote written by Cervantes. It is a precious gift because every time I have doubts about my own quest in documentary filmmaking, I can open it up and read the quote I chose to open HARLEY: “The greatest madness a man can be guilty of in this life, is to let himself die outright, without being slain by any person whatever, or destroyed by any other weapon than the hands of melancholy”.

Enjoy the film. I hope you will find something in Harley’s quest that speaks to you too.

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