Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye

Stray Bullet making headlines in Switzerland

Should a film aim to bypass festivals and be released directly on Netflix? This is the question the major Swiss daily newspaper 24 Heures asked Jean-Cosme Delaloye, the director of STRAY BULLET. His response was unequivocally yes for his latest film. Since STRAY BULLET was released on Netflix, the feedback has been huge. It is incredible to see on Twitter the amount of people the film touched and how far it has traveled in the U.S. One of the main participants of the film has been invited to give talks to college students. People, who had relatives hurt by stray bullets, reached out to us. It has been an unbelievable experience to witness how wide the audience for this film has been. Some films might be more suited for festivals like Jean-Cosme Delaloye’s previous film - LA PRENDA - had been. But the Netflix release has been absolutely fantastic for STRAY BULLET. If you have not watched the film here, you can do so here.

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Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye Documentary film Jean-Cosme Delaloye

Waiting for a verdict outside a Paterson courtroom

For the past several weeks, I have spent a lot of time shooting in a trial Paterson courtroom and then waiting outside that same courtroom for the verdict. While waiting for it, I was able to capture the life on the bench next to the courtroom's door. I saw people waiting to go in for their court appearance, relatives and a lawyer waiting for a verdict, children waiting for their mom while she was in court. Here are a few snapshots taken in February.

Father and daughter waiting for verdict in Paterson, NJ
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Journalism Jean-Cosme Delaloye Journalism Jean-Cosme Delaloye

Covering Irma

Irma is gone. I am sitting in a cool airport lounge after 4 days without power and 3 without running water. Every time a hurricane hits, you realize how fragile US cities really are. The neighborhood where I was staying was flooded as it was next to the Intercoastal Waterway. We lost power 24 hours before Irma even hit Miami and Internet went out quickly after the win gusts starting punching the city hard. Staying outside was almost impossible. And inside, you could feel the building shaking. As I was outside, I met Andre, a homeless man who was trying to find shelter. Hi face was tatted and you could see in his tired eyes that he had a long and complicated story. When I asked him why he hadn't gone to a shelter, he responded: "The police is not my family". I am wondering whether his family even knew where he was or whether this man had any ties outside his homeless word which seemed to comprise only a few blocks of Biscayne Boulevard. I saw him after the storm walking up and down Biscayne Boulevard. As people were looking for gas, cold water or hot food in powerless Miami, Andre was looking for a cigarette. He had made it past the storm. No it was all about facing the prospect of making it past another day on the streets of Miami.

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